Saying “I do” to the person you love is one of the biggest and most special moments in your life, but what comes after is the actual fun and test. With every day you spend together, you are going to prove how much you appreciate and cherish your partner, and when you get to the big dates and jubilees, you will want to celebrate them and show your spouse how much they mean to you. In this article, we are going to tell you the names and meanings of your wedding anniversary, and we will give you some tips on how to choose the perfect present for your soulmate according to tradition.
First decade

Let’s first cover the first decade of wedding anniversaries. The first, second, and third years have the names of paper, cotton, and leather. For these three dates, it is said that you need to present your partner with a clock, something related to China, and a glass gift, respectively. This means that during this period, things can break, they are fragile, and you are still learning how to be with your partner.
The next four grand dates go with the names of linen, wood, iron, and wool. For these anniversaries, the tradition says that you should give your partner something fruity, or flowers, silverware, something sweet, and a clothing item made of wool.
These four years represent you being stronger as partners, and they show that you are not in a breakable state anymore. You are becoming one with your loved one, and you are more likely to stand the test of time.
After these seven years, you will be left with bronze, clay, and aluminum jubilees. Here you will need to choose something made of bronze, as the name suggests, a gift made of lace, and a diamond or some other precious stone. The last three years of the first decade represent the physical and touchable part of the marriage, and they are made to show that you are now something that is meant to stand the test of time.
20 to 50 anniversaries

We are not going to go over every year in the next thirty that you are going to hopefully spend with the love of your life. You should know that the years between the first and second decade of your marriage represent you coming closer together, being able to face even the greatest challenges as one, and even though things may seem rough at some moments, you are stronger than you think.
The second-decade jubilee is called the China one, and it is said that for this special date you should give your partner something made of platinum. Staying together for two decades is a big thing, so don’t be afraid to splurge a bit more.
As you can see if you click here, a wedding photographer along with some nice getaway places and a romantic hotel can help you celebrate these days perfectly, and you don’t have to bring everyone with you. Remember that these days are for you two only, and you can have your closest friends and family come along on any other trip or vacation.
For your third decade together, you should get your partner a jewelry piece made with diamonds, or if you want to be more unique, you can even get a gift made of ivory. The name of this special date is pearl, and it suggests that your love is something that should be treasured and kept safe as the pearls in the shells.
The 40th jubilee of you being together holds the beautiful name of ruby. As the name suggests, you should get your loved one something made of this precious stone, or if you don’t want to do that, you can opt for a nice, red gift, that will represent the passion you share.
Lastly, we have the everlasting gold anniversary, and this is something that most couples dream of experiencing together. It shows that you are as strong and as bright as gold. You’ve stood the test of time, and you are precious together. You should be happy if you get to share this special moment with your partner, and you should present them with a golden watch, piece of jewelry, or you can even get them a ring and renew your vows.
50 plus

Now let’s talk about the jubilees that not many couples get to experience. If you and your partner are lucky enough to have been blessed with good health, long life, and strong love, then you should prepare yourself for the next few jubilees.
The 55th, 60th, and 65th anniversaries are called emerald, diamond, and blue sapphire respectively. They hold the meaning that now you are stronger than anything and that you have been through so much together, and nothing can break you or pull you apart. The presents that you should give one another should be either with the color of the precious stones or with the stones incorporated in the gifts.
Seven, eight, and nine decades together show that you are now one and that you can face anything and everything when you are close to each other. They hold the names of platinum, oak, and stone respectively, and they show that you are as durable as nature.
Finally, we have the one hundred years together anniversary, and it is called the bone jubilee. This means that you are eternal and that just like the bones in the body, you may break, but you can never be pulled apart. You help each other heal, and you have something that is so rare that some people think is a myth.
Know that no matter how long you have been with your partner, the most important thing is to support each other, love one another, and be there when things get tough. Some days are going to be better than others, and some are going to test your strength. Go through the challenges holding each other’s hand, and remember that when it comes to gifts and special occasions, you don’t have to follow the traditional rules. Do what your heart desires, and know that every marriage is unique in its own way.