Your wedding day is approaching, and you will celebrate it together with your dearest people. And what about your pet? Dogs have become our favorite family members today – so it’s no surprise that most owners want their dogs to complete this special day. Still, you are thinking about the other side of the story. An overturned cake, a torn decoration, a frightened pet – or, God forbid, a dog’s poop on the dance floor. Yes, that can be inconvenient. However, do not despair! Here are 6 tips for planning a dog-friendly wedding.
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Dog At The Wedding

Source: pixabay
The situation is quite clear to anyone who grew up with dogs. We don’t look at them just as pets, more as a part of the family. Therefore, if you live with a dog – over time he has probably become part of your relationship too. You walked him together, bathed him, took him to the vet, and held his paw while he was getting the vaccine. That is an integral part of your everyday life, and walking in the park is your favorite routine. You spend the most time with your furry friend – and realistically, you probably care more about him than about some individuals who are on the guestlist by chance. If you find yourself in this description, you must have wondered, at least for a moment, how to include your fluffy-tailed friend on your wedding day. The good thing is: If you want it – you can do it! Here is how.
1. Prepare Your Dog In Advance
We assume that your dog is socialized enough – and that he doesn’t panic or behave aggressively when he finds himself among a large number of people. This is very important because you don’t want your dog to be scared or show some kind of inappropriate behavior while surrounded by guests. It may be a good idea to practice with your dog before the wedding and establish some rules of conduct. Take him among a larger group of people and observe how your dog will behave. Will he panic, or will he become anxious? This is the first prerequisite that your dog must meet. Certainly, the dog must obey your commands and know how to behave no matter the occasion. This means not barking at people, not taking food from the table, etc.
2. Outdoor Wedding: An Ideal Option For Your Dog

Source: pixabay
The ideal opportunity to include a dog in a wedding is a small outdoor wedding reception – just for the family and the closest circle of friends. Then, the role of the dog in the wedding will make even more sense, and you can make sure everything is perfect – even the outfit for the dog. A cute dog outfit is not so hard to find, even for this occasion. You can read more and look at the specialized stores that will offer you outfits for every place, climate, or occasion – from formal to casual.
3. Find A Place Where Your Dog Can Feel Comfortable And Pleasant

Source: pixabay
Sometimes noise, music, and a large number of people can be stressful for a dog – even if he’s used to people. After all, we can all judge that according to ourselves. Each of us sometimes wants to get away and isolate ourselves from the crowd for a while. The same thing works for your dog. Find some cozy place or a corner that you will provide for your pet. Bring his toys, and make sure he always has fresh drinking water.
4. Find A Trusted Person To Take Care Of Your Dog

Source: unsplash
Of course, you will also spend time with your dog on your wedding day. However, while the wedding ceremony is going on, or while you are greeting your guests and toasting your future life – someone should be there to take care of your pet. It definitely has to be a person you trust and a person your dog already knows and accepts well. That way, your dog will not feel lonely, scared, or neglected.
5. Prepare Your Guests For The Fact That The Dog Is Present At The Wedding

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This is usually not a particular problem, as most people simply adore dogs. However, keep in mind that there may be those who are afraid of dogs – and this can sometimes be inconvenient and even dangerous. It is because the dog also reacts to the energy that others emit towards him. Also, keep in mind small children who will be present at your wedding party. Children love dogs and dogs most often love children. However, extra caution is always needed. Both children and dogs can sometimes overdo when playing – so the game can become rough for both – the children and for your pet. Therefore, keep in mind that you should inform the parents of the children about it – and take care of your dog and the way he behaves in the presence of small children. No one wants such an incident at their wedding.
6. You Shouldn’t Have Unrealistic Expectations From Your Pet

Source: unsplash
Although we want our wedding to be like one of those from romantic comedies – we still have to have realistic expectations of our pet. Don’t get carried away and imagine that the dog will bring the rings in his jaws – at the right time during the ceremony. Some fantasies simply need to be left to the movies. The priest, relatives, friends, and the dog itself – will most likely write it off at the very beginning. If you still succeed in this action, make sure you let us know.
A Day To Remember
In the end, there is one more wonderful way to include your pet in the wedding – and that is, of course, a photo session for the newlyweds. The atmosphere on the set is mostly relaxed, a small number of people participate in the project – and it is usually held in an open space. Beaches, glades, parks, and lakes are common choices for this occasion. These are also places where your dog will enjoy. Therefore, the photos with him will look natural and beautiful in your wedding album.