Planning a wedding is a fun yet stressful activity for a lot of couples or brides. Your big day is all about glitz and glamour, as well as making everything neat and tidy and flawless. For a lot of couples (1 in 3 actually) booking a wedding planner and organizer is a proper and must-do next step to take. They can do a lot of key steps and guide you in the right direction. If you want to do it yourself you have to have the right tools and knowledge. Here is how a wedding planner process looks like and how marketing can make a lot of impact on your big or small business. Take your approach to the next level with the following set of tips and tricks.
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How to create an effective marketing plan for your wedding business: top 5 ways
1. Get to know your audience

Always rethink your options and evaluate your steps. Why make marketing or tech adjustments if your audience is already there with you along each step? You as an organizer have to know who you’re catering to. What is your special touch or signature move? Do you do a lot of destination weddings or maybe you do whimsical themes? Your profile should tell that about you, and everything should be there written out or proven with pictures! Build relationships with vendors and venues located in popular destinations as opposed to small towns and rural areas. You can also come up with great deals or discounts as the two of you get and aim for something that fits your niche.
2. Prioritize SEO above all

Having strong search engine optimization goes hand in hand with producing high-quality content and getting exposure within the marketing and online media. If you want to be the best within your field and line of work, or if you wish to pop on your social pages and the first page of Google, think ahead. For example, ensure that each blog post not only has a target keyword but that you’re using that keyword in the page title. You should also have it in your meta description and throughout the article, as well as in the URL. If you’re lacking SEO skills and your site is outdated consider switching things up and consult with an SEO expert or someone who knows how to do digital marketing.
3. Package deals are a good move to make

Answer the questions brides need to know, always! The truth is that all brides want an organized system that is easy to navigate on your site, with frequently asked questions answered right there! Once you get this sorted out another great tactic and technique is for you to have cheaper midweek package prices. Any type of special prices such as weddings that are not during the hot season, discounts, photography deals, etc will help your business grow. You should also integrate your own yield management strategy increasing package prices during your high season for smart business opportunities. Try and offer limited dates and bring them down during your low season or when you have a lot of open dates. Captivate their attention with big bright letters and pictures, knowing that a lot will re-think their preferred date for half-the-price that you can offer during some random date.
4. Be very active on social media

The key is consistency all throughout your social media. You should post just enough in order not to get forgotten, but without being boring or pushy. Be active everywhere: TikTok, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Facebook – these are all your friends. High engagement with your current followers and responding to any newly interested ones will get you highly ranked, appreciated, and loyal-looking. Add a link to your website in all of your social media bios, as well as relevant links in the majority of your posts on all platforms. As time goes on you will develop and come up with a trademark that is only unique to you, as well as a representative of you as a brand. Use the same picture/logo all throughout social media platforms. If you are too busy and can’t make time for online marketing or strategies it is always a good idea to have some additional help on the side.
5. Aim for publications

Explore ways to get featured in publications! Nowadays, you can get in touch with a ton of well-respected and read newspapers, blogs, forums, or magazines. Consider both digital and paper print forms since you will cater to different age groups by aiming for both. With the right boost, you are looking at a ton of more clicks on a weekly basis, especially when the article just comes out! If you’re featured in a publication, share it on all of your social media channels and enjoy the perk of backlinks! Both you and the featuring site or newspaper will get exposure and can benefit a lot from this little move.
Publications can be a good move to make during the ”quiet season”, just as you’re doing some new preparations and wedding organizations.
Where to get help with your website and which marketing steps to take?
Better marketing comes down to a proper website. If someone reaches out to you they will browse through your site start to bottom before hitting that contact button and asking you about your service. This is why you should have a modern and fresh blog or website that is appealing. Team wedding is a team like no other, just visit this site! Team Wedding will redesign your existing website or build you a fresh and modern one that attracts your ideal clients. They do all of this in 5 steps: layout & navigation, graphic design, SEO optimization, copywriting, and image optimization. Team Wedding offers a customized, all-in-one alternative to DIY marketing. Give them a click and see for yourself when it comes to magic that they can do.